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Thanksgiving and your Church Columbarium?

Gathering together brings back good warm feelings, a lot of conversation and laughter from fond memories. But it also brings pain from missing those we’ve lost and who are no longer with us.

Fall is Here! It's Time to Form Your Columbarium Committee

If you don’t already have a Columbarium Committee formed, now is a great time to start talking with like-minded people about having a columbarium at your church or organization.

Some things to Consider for a Successful Columbarium Program

First and the most important thing to consider is choosing a design/build company. Does the company you are considering as your partner have experience in the industry needed to make a successful Columbarium Program for your church or organization?

So You Don’t Want a Columbarium on Your Campus, BUT...

Are you looking for a new way to raise funds for your organization that also provide a service to your members?

What to Consider When Designing your Columbarium

This question is often asked at committee meetings and in general discussion around the conference table with a group considering a columbarium for their organization.

What is a Church Memorial Garden?

Memorial Gardens can be a church garden which has a Columbrium included in the garden, a place for cremains and it may include different forms of memorial items as art.

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