Columbarium Designers Columbarium Designers

Church Columbaria

Create a lasting heritage for your church

In earlier times, family, faith, friends and community were all connected to their local church creating a lasting heritage. At Columbarium Designers, Inc., we help you to keep that connection and create a heritage for the families in your congregation in the same way today.

“Columbarium Designers worked wonderfully with our team at Dunwoody Baptist Church to create a beautiful memory garden with columbarium.”

Client Testimonial

Major Benefits of a Columbarium Program:

A columbarium program pays for itself and does not have to begin until the church has reserved enough niche spaces to cover the construction cost.

A columbarium program can provide additional monies needed for other projects in the church.

The columbarium becomes a part of the living church. It is a place of spirit. Family members can visit every week either before or after services. Families who have loved ones in a church columbarium are more inclined to remain faithful to that church.

Columbarium Designers, Inc. columbaria are also designed to provide memorial opportunities for those who do not choose cremation or have loved one’s buried elsewhere thereby opening the columbarium garden to all members of the congregation.

If your church wants to:

  • Complete the circle of life for its members
  • Have a place to remember church members and their families
  • Strengthen ties between families and the church
  • Provide pre-planning for families

Then a Tribute Center is something you should consider.

Columbarium Designers, Inc. success has been based on our willingness and ability to guide the columbarium committee through every step of the process. We will review your needs, study your facilities and submit a proposed memorial columbarium that will be custom designed to meet your specific needs....without obligation, of course.

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Memorial Garden Plaques for Your Columbarium Project

1. How many options are there?
2. How much does it cost?
3. Who does the work?
4. How can it be made easy?
5. How can we order and install the memorial?
6. What goes on the memorial?
7. How long does it take to get it delivered?
8. How can we make this simple?

Dealing with a Difficult Situation

Unfortunately, even in a small church there is someone going through a difficult situation and it is a blessing to that individual to know that there are people who care. That is why providing grief counseling at your church is such a wonderful ministry. I know that there are some church members who don’t think a columbarium program has a place at the church facility, but I just haven’t heard a good reason to agree with. In my opinion, it is completing the circle of life and who else would we want to help with that part of our life than our church community.

When a difficult situation enters our life, such as a death of a loved one, diagnosis of cancer, loss of a job, we have to determine how we will choose to handle it. We can handle it positively or negatively. We can stay in our bed and cry all day or we can know that how we perceive this difficulty now, we’ll probably perceive it differently later.

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