“We know someone on our committee that can install the columbarium, we think”. . .
“I know a guy who has a pickup truck and a real nice saw, and I think he can install the columbarium”. . .
“It can’t be that difficult, look how easy this could be”. . .
“I saw a YouTube video of this and it looks real easy, let’s try this ourselves and save some money”. . .
These comments, and many more just like them have taken place at committee meetings across the country when it comes to making the decision on the “who and the how” to handle the installation of the columbarium project.
Your columbarium project is quite unlike any other type of construction as it is monumental in scope and in materials and in specifications. Two guys and a pickup truck are unable to provide the organization with the type of installation that the committee has “assumed” that will take place. And don’t forget the importance of working with a complete set of construction drawings. In working with the topographical elements, utilities, site conditions, weather, staging of the materials and the movement of tons of materials, the correct amount of concrete, steel, and analysis of the concrete, the depth of the footings; the correct process to insure that there is no failure in the materials are but a few elements of the selection process. In the event that a building permit is required, how capable is the “we can build anything” crew? The committee has gone through the steps in selecting a company for design, program content and now is faced with the decision as to the installation.
If the committee has done their job, top to bottom, the decision for the installation is rather simple. The company selected by the committee has their own installation division along with their own construction crew. Professional installation of your columbarium project is the only proper decision for the committee to make as it will insure complete success and satisfaction at the conclusion of the project.
It always looks like putting a car together is not that difficult, I just don’t want to put my family in a vehicle that was assembled in the back yard by “all my friends”.
Your columbarium project is a combination of materials, specifications and installation techniques that require sound professional direction and handling to guarantee success. Having well trained, qualified professional installers is just a simple matter of doing sound research and by asking questions and looking at other projects in your area or on the internet.
Don’t short change the installation of your project, select qualified companies that specialize in the installation of Columbarium's. Companies that you have checked out their references, visited their other job sites, called other clients for references and finally, someone that you can trust, a company that brings to your organization a program that includes all of the elements needed for a successful project, from design through installation and completion.
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