Columbarium Designers Columbarium Designers

A Columbarium - Not Just a Product

You get what you pay for. . . So get your money’s worth.

Many committees have selected a company that delivered the “product” unloaded it and drove away. There was very little attention paid to the site selection by the committee, no vision as to the placement of the next phase of the project, no plans for the movement or flow of pedestrians or the congregation when visiting the columbarium site, no attention to the walking surface or the situation in dealing with the elderly or handicapped visitors to the site. After the selected company delivers and unloads and drives off, the question now surfaces: What do we do now?

There are many different websites that churches or organizations can order product from; it can be delivered to the church or the job site. However, the organization will have to set it up themselves. From the pouring of the foundation to unloading the truck - including lifting devices, special permits in some cases, uncrating and hauling off any packing materials and possible partial assembly. Is that what your committee wants? Is the committee ready to assume the responsibility for the product, installation, foundation, etc, etc, etc? Just a product? How will you make the columbarium program a success?

In many cases, the committee has no plan, or program to insure the success of the project. They just do not have the background experience or knowledge of the many facets of the columbarium program. This is the critical element in the columbarium project. The selection of a partner that will provide the committee with a fully functioning columbarium “program” is indeed vital to the success of the project.

Choosing the correct design-build columbarium partner, will provide you with a long-term plan. There are several keys to success. A business plan to make the columbarium program a success is but one element that must be in place.
A conceptual design for the site chosen should be provided. The “master plan” design can be broken into phases, as the need for the organization grows, new phases can be developed. There are several different types of memorialization products that can be included in each phase for all members or the organization to participate in. Having a plan and a program for the entire congregation or organization insures success in the plan. The committee will be guided and directed in making decisions and selections that are wise for the community. Research will be provided to make sure the retail pricing is correct.


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