With competition being both a good thing and many times a bad thing, it becomes very important that the church committee have the confidence and the correct strategy to select a company to partner with for the design and construction of their columbarium project.
1. Does the company selected have the deep rooted experience in the industry needed to make the columbarium program work? This may seem like a simple question and indeed it is, however many companies are entering into this field on a regular basis and they do not have the credibility or the background to enable your church to succeed. Partnering with the right company is difficult but easy. Difficult as there are many companies listed who all seem to say: “we do columbariums” or “we can do a columbarium for your organization, and on and on. Many church committees invest hours and many meetings to interview companies, review and review and then make a decision as to who to work with.
2. Does the company selected help us manage the project? It is critical to the overall success of your project that beyond the design, beyond the construction, past the construction cost, there has to be a plan in place to “manage” the project. One of the largest mistakes made by church committees is that they get all involved with the “lowest” price submitted by several different columbarium companies. Keep in mind the old saying: you get what you paid for. The committee must ask themselves are they really getting a total fully functioning columbarium program or are they just getting a real cheap price. The answer sometimes is quite obvious.
3. Getting from concept to completion sometimes seems like a never ending train ride. Does the company you are considering have the capabilities to take your committee through the design and construction? The design-build columbarium company should be able to take the committee from the initial concept all the way to completion of the project. If your columbarium company is only in the business of design, you will want to include an experienced columbarium partner to work with your design company; providing suggestions for the best materials to be used for your project or you may need to work with someone else that can take the committee all the way through to the completion stage. Your columbarium company is your partner in this, not just a “widget” producer. The widget producer may not be your best choice.
4. After the “sale”. One of the critical elements of the truly successful columbarium program is the service that is in place after the program is completed. Is there a plan for keeping records, is there an operations manual in place, have you developed the rules and regulations for the columbarium? These and many other elements are needed and must be in place to have a truly successful program.
Does your columbarium builder have a plan in place for your program?
Joanne Zimmermann Where are you located??
Phyllis We are located in Buford Georgia, but do work across the United States.
sandy stefani finally we have begun!!!